Just now I spotted someone’s post saying that Facebook reactions are now globally available, so I headed over to Facebook Newsroom and found out that it’s true. Just a couple of months ago, I tried out Facebook Reactions and actually I loved it, not just me, many others loved the idea. Well, now we can express us in a better way rather than staying silent if we disagree on anything or sad or such matters. You can check out the Facebook Reactions in action in the video below.
Using the Facebook Reactions is very easy. Just over your cursor on the like button and you will see different reaction icons popping out and you can just click on the one you want to use. Also, on mobile devices, just tap and hold the like button and you can access the reactions easily and use it on any post or photo.
This is pretty new for most of the users who haven’t tried it yet, but eventually you will get used to it very soon and I think most of the users will like it. Along with that comes a new challenge for wannabes on Facebook, especially models, photographers, political leaders as far as can guess from my experience. Now, if someone is action like the dumbass you can just add the ‘angry reaction’ to express what you actually feel without wasting your time on writing it down in the comments section.
Facebook has been woking on this for a year or so, and all of this started when a large number of people actually demanded a dislike button and last year Mark Zuckerberg finally revealed that they are working on something like that.
Facebook also mentioned that Reactions will help page owners understand their audience in a better way as how the fans react will be visible in page insights which will ultimately help the page managers to understand how they can make the content better or what type of content people are looking for.