To Look Young, You Don’t Have to Spend $2000 in Beauty Salons; You can do it at Home for just $289!

To Look Young, You Don't Have to Spend $2000 in Beauty Salons; You can do it at Home for just $289! - 4

Do you remember watching Elysium movie where they show ‘med bays’ which has the ability to cure all ailments including aging hair, wrinkles, etc.? We may not be anywhere near in developing such sophisticated healthcare technology, but anti-aging experiments have been around since the 70s. We have so many cosmetics, treatments for anti-aging now but they all cost a fortune. Whether it’s a beauty salon or a healthcare skin clinic, it would cost almost $2000 for this type of treatments, and it’s only for one-sit-up. What if I tell you, you can do this with an innovative hand-held device that costs just $289, and you can do almost everything related to anti-aging treatment at your home? Sounds a lot weird, I know. But it’s possible with Fanci Belle, an anti-aging hand-held laser device.

In the first place, why we get wrinkles, and skin loses firmness when aging? Well, it’s because of lack of Collagen. Collagen is a type of protein that is produced in our body and is the key element in building the connecting tissues of our vital organs, tendons, ligaments, and joints. In simple, starting from our hair, to the dermis layer of the skin, everything is built by collagen. The moment we born, we come with an abundant amount of it, and that’s why we were born with soft, smooth and firm skin. But, once we hit the mid-20s, our body will stop producing collagen. When we reach the 30s, the existing collagens level drop 1-2% every year, and once we hit the 40s, we’d have already lost almost 20% of it, and that’s why in between 30-40 age group, we look old.

To Look Young, You Don't Have to Spend $2000 in Beauty Salons; You can do it at Home for just $289! - 5

The higher the age goes, the older we look as of drop-in Collagen levels. That’s why most of the people in 20s and mid-30s are pretty much worried and starts using several cosmetics. Again, your skin can absorb only 7-15% of the beauty products you use, so it’s a waste of time & money. On the other hand, opting for spa-grade treatment is quite costly, and that’s why the team behind Fanci Belle came up with an innovative yet minimalistic device that could do the work in just 10 minutes. So, let’s check out the features and what all it can do.

Fanci Belle – Anti-Aging Laser Device Features:

  • A traditional vein treatment uses a Laser of 980nm, while the Fanci Belle uses a 1470nm infrared laser diode. This makes it penetrate in the deeper levels of skin and makes it 40x greater absorption than the traditional treatment
  • The higher wavelength makes it activate the collagen and elastin and rejuvenate the production
  • Though it penetrates to the deep levels of skin where collagen is, the treatment is significantly less painful compared to the lasers used by dermatologists. Also, there would be no bruising or swelling using it
  • Fanci Belle can be used to reduce the superficial wrinkles that come with age, reduces skin pore size, brighten your skin and ultimately improves your skin texture
  • Comparing to the traditional laser treatment, the Fanci Belle comes with condensing fin which helps to cool down the skin temperature, and to make you free from pinching feeling
  • It comes with a Thermal Safety Detector which automatically limits the laser penetration when you do not move the device from a certain facial area
  • It’s very easy to use as it’s a hand-held device and very portable to carry around

Just 10 minutes of treatment every day for 12 weeks could rejuvenate the younger and healthy skin.

The team behind the Fanci Belle have already applied for FDA approval, and meanwhile, they want to take this idea to the crowd, and thus they launched a campaign on IndieGoGo. By the time of writing this story, they have already exceeded their goal by 270% and moving towards $15K in funding. This could be your chance to look younger and have a smoother skin. Go ahead and back the campaign and gift yourself a Fanci Belle for just $289.

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