Google I/O 2016 has started with some surprises and many announcements were made, from new apps to Android Wear, from VR platform to Android N. But yes, let’s look at the Top 5 announcements that were made at Google I/O 2016.
Top 5 announcements from Google I/O 2016 [DAY 1]
Google Home
![Top 5 announcements from Google I/O 2016 [DAY 1] - 5 Google Home, announced at Google I/O 2016](
Google Home is a voice-activated gadget that will enable people to use the Google assistant in any room of their house. You can use it like a remote to activate anything, listen to music and also Google Search will always be there in case you need to ask something. Google Home will be released later this year.
Android N
Still, we don’t know what will be the name of Android N, so let’s just call it like that. Android N will have improved graphics, reduced battery consumption, and security enhancements. Android N will enable users to switch between the previous app quickly by double tapping the recent button in Android N. Multi windows support is still there, along with Split screen and picture in picture modes. Also, more emojis which looks natural with skin tone variations and yes,72 more emojis to express your feelings. 250 new features will be available on Android N and already the beat version is rolling out for developers.
Allo![Top 5 announcements from Google I/O 2016 [DAY 1] - 6 Allo]()
At the Google I/O 2016, two new apps were announced. Among them, Allo is something which is a brilliant combination of the messenger, search, YouTube, and games. Allo is not just a messenger, it’s a messenger plus virtual assistant. Allow will have stickers and whisper chat. Allo uses smart reply, which is nothing but a suggestion straight from Google, based upon how you type and respond to messages. It will also let users chat directly with Google to find information. In Google, Allo people can search the web, watch YouTube videos and can play games as well. So, Allo will be all about chat, search, and Artificial Intelligence- all one one place. It will be available for Android this summer. However, you may like to pre-register for Allo from here.
Android Instant Apps
It is literally painful to download apps, especially when you need a specific app instantly and you’re running out of time. It will let users use an app from link without having to download it. It’s like using the part of the app you need, at the right time. Google showed off a video experience from BuzzFeed and a shopping experience from B&H. This will be basically useful for the time when a user needs to use an app for one single time only. Android Instant Apps works by splitting the app into multiple modules and shows the part that is required.
Android Wear 2.0
![Top 5 announcements from Google I/O 2016 [DAY 1] - 7 Android Wear 2.0 Source: Google Developers](
Source: Google Developers
Since 2014, Android Wear got the upgrade for the first time and Android Wear 2.0 is here, announced at Google I/O 2016. Now users can now make data from any app show up on any watch face, pretty much like Apple Watch. Android Wear 2.0 will need to rely less on smartphones and cellular connections. Also, Google showed a tiny, swipeable QWERTY keyboard. Who knows? Maybe you would like to type on your wrist? :P
So, these were the Top 5 announcements made at Google I/O 2016. Keep visiting us for more updates or you can simply join us on Facebook to get all the updates on the move.