Before every single OnePlus device launch, we see a lot of leaks on the web and it has not been much since they had launched the OnePlus 2 and OnePlusX, now looks like OnePlus is working on OnePlus 3 as well has fresh leaks confirm that they are up to something. The news comes from MobileDad and the images shows the front and rear of the device, quite like an OnePlus 2 and OnePlus X, packed into a single phone. Though, we don’t see a textured back like other OnePlus phones, and we see grey section along the sides, which might be volume rockers.
We don’t know much about hardware and detailed specs, but surely the report indicates the presence of Snapdragon 820 under the hood. Also there may be a full HD 1080p display, and we can also spot dual LED flash at the rear, possible we don’t see a quad HD (1440 x 2560) display, but looks like OnePlus will just stick to full HD one. So, what do you think about the upcoming OnePlus 3, or have you already started to get excited about the OnePlus 3 or getting ready to grab an invite? Let us know in the comments section below.