Recently unveiled from Sony, are it’s two new flagship models Sony Xperia Z3 and Sony Xperia Z3 Compact.
But which to choose and why, let’s have a look…
The Z3 and Z3 Compact feature a 5.2 inch and 4.6-inch screens respectively.
The Z3 notable features a 20.7 Megapixel camera much like the previous Z2, a 1080p display with 424 ppi, a 2.5Ghz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 Processor and with a 3100mAh battery.
While the Z3 Compact features similar 20.7 Megapixel camera, a 720p display with 319 ppi, a 2.5Ghz Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 Processor and with a 2600mAh battery.
So, in general, it’s just a Compact or smaller version of Z3 keeping all the other things same except few things like display, battery etc. But these things are obvious to change, as you reduce your screen size the capacity to carry those display and battery reduces.
So, in short there’s not much difference at all. It’ll depends on what you like, big or small screen? And hence that’s why these versions are by Sony, to meet your requirements in small and big screen variants respectively.