Valentine’s Day is just a few days away from now. Everyone is busy in making plans to surprise their boyfriends/girlfriends. Well as a gadget site we’re also in search of gift ideas and hoping to make a list soon. Anyhow, We found this interesting phone which is heart/love shaped and will be the best gift for the Valentine’s Day.
Japan, the land of ‘rising sun’ is meant for showing innovations in every product. A lot of smartphone makers in Japan are coming up with interesting design ideas. The recent one is the heart-shaped phone – Heart 401AB.
This Heart (Love) shaped is a basic feature phone with no internet connectivity nor Bluetooth nor SMS functionality. It has a 128 x 36 dot display and a phone book with 100 entries. For transferring these contacts, there’s a smartphone app which let you copy all the contacts to this phone.
This 23mm thick phone can be twisted from heart to a peanut shape (vertical mode) to attempt calls.You can make only calls as it’s a simple hands-free handset. Even the Charger is made out of heart shaped.
What on Earth does this phone have? Only voice calls and no SMS. Well, wait a minute! We’re talking about the gift to your valentine which in our case this love shaped phone suits well.
Although the style of this phone is little weird, this gift is the best way to present our feeling to our partner. we’re worried about its availability in the market. It is only available in Japan and solely made for the Japanese customers. From March onwards, Heart 401AB will be available on Japanese carrier Y mobile.
Well, don’t worry as we are coming up with our list of ideas to gift your valentine on Valentine’s day. So you liked this love shaped phone? There’s a special Sailor Moon Edition too.